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Archive for July, 2010

ViEmu/VS2010 officially released

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Finally, we have built & uploaded the ViEmu/VS2010 2.5.6, the first official release of ViEmu for Visual Studio 2010. We have also updated the web site to cover the new version.

The customer area now also shows a button to renew support for your existing license(s). If you have several ViEmu products, you will be offered to upgrade them all together. We will offer partial upgrades (upgrading only a few of them) in a couple of weeks, please bear with us meanwhile. If you need a temporary license to keep on using ViEmu meanwhile, just let us know and we will send one your way.

The licensing and pricing policy should be simple to understand: licensing is common for ViEmu/VS “Classic” and ViEmu/VS 2010, the same license is valid for both. Renewing support for one of the ViEmus is $29, no matter which of them (ViEmu/VS, ViEmu/SQL and ViEmu/W&O). If you renew support for ViEmu/VS, you will then get 1 full year of free upgrades for both the “Classic” and the 2010 version. If you are renewing ViEmu packs (VS+SQL, VS+W&O, or the full 3-ViEmu pack), renewing each additional SKU is just $10. Thus, renewing the DBPro pack is $39, and renewing the Enterprise pack is $49. Pack-discount pricing is applied no matter if you purchased the products at the same time, or years apart. If you are renewing multiple license, it’s just a matter of multiplying the basic price – there is no volume discount for multi-license support renewals.

We hope this will be seen as great value for money. But we’re always willing to listen, let us know if something doesn’t click for you!

Here are some useful links:

A quick summary of what this version doesn’t cover: compatibility with other 3rd-party extensions, performance for bulk editing actions like :%s, and a couple of user settings. We will address these in the next few weeks too.

As always, we hope you enjoy this, and let us know what you think!

ViEmu/VS2010 Release Candidate 2

Monday, July 19th, 2010

We decided it was necessary, and we have addressed the performance issues with hlsearch before the official release. This new version, RC2, works fast for scrolling even in my lowly but lovely Asus EEE PC 1005. It should fly on anything else. Search/replace may still be slow, we’ll address that in a future version.

Download here:

If nothing acts up, this will become the official ViEmu 2.5 for VS2010 in a couple of days. All feedback is welcome.

ViEmu/VS2010 Release Candidate 1

Friday, July 16th, 2010

You can download the ViEmu/VS2010 Release Candidate 1 here:

We are trying to get this out of the door and start the upgrade process for everyone, even if there are a few things that we will address in version 2.6 (this one will be numbered 2.5.5).

Things addressed in this release:

  • Ctrl-Backspace/Ctrl-Delete delete whole words in insert mode
  • Block visual mode works fine with $
  • Better support for more types of files (html, aspx)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ViEmu caret to appear in random places
  • Fixed crash when setting keybindings in non-US, localized VS versions
  • License key processing more reliable, button to remove license from settings window
  • Several other minor bugfixes

Apart from these there are a few things which we know are not fully ok, but we have left them for 2.6, due out in the next few weeks. The current version is more than usable for many customers. Here are the limitations in this release:

  • Compatibility with other 3rd party add-ons is not fully supported. If you are using Visual Assist, Resharper,  PowerGUI or others, you may experience usability issues.
  • Performance is sometimes poor, especially with hlsearch and search/replace
  • Some settings like “‘Use VS selection for visual mode” or “Ignore Caps Lock state in normal mode” are still non-functional

We plan to address these issues in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, if you find some problem that would make this RC1 a bad “first official non-beta” release for a standard installation of Visual Studio, let us know, so that we can address it for the final version or in an RC2.

If everything goes well, we’ll release this officially next week and start to allow upgrading existing licenses via the customer area.

ViEmu/VS2010 Beta 8

Friday, July 9th, 2010

This is the latest beta, which will work for everyone until next week (when we’ll hopefully have a Release Candidate rather than a beta!):

Main changes in this release:

  • Settings dialog
  • Documentation
  • Timeout support for ambiguous multiple-key mappings
  • gj/gk now supported
  • Fixed: dd on the last line would delete two lines
  • Several other bugfixes

Pending things for RC are: bug-fixes and better recognizing of license key even if it has been garbled over email. Performance and compatibility with other 3rd party add-ins will be addressed after the official release.

By the way, I checked it and realized the settings dialog is really ugly on Windows XP with classic look.  Oh my, WPF. We’ll try to do something about it.


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