Re: viEmu/SQL: Restoring keyboard mappings in SQL Management Studio

I am a devoted user of the viEmu add-in for VS.NET. It's made a huge improvement in productivity and general fatigue. Thanks for your efforts! I have given the emulator for Management Studio a whirl and, unfortunately, don't find the same gains in that environment, perhaps due to the general differences in function of the query editor from basic text editing. I have found that, after removing the emulator for Mgmt Studio, my previous keyboard settings are altered, Ctrl+F for instance now has no mapping. I have looked in the keyboard options dialog, but this appears to contain only a subset of keyboard commands and the "Restore Defaults" does not extend to all keyboard defaults.

Can you please help?

-- Rob


Re: viEmu/SQL: Restoring keyboard mappings in SQL Management Studio


Thanks for the explanation. I fully understand ViEmu might be not as helpful in your usage SQL Server Management Studio. If you can think of improvements that may help, please let me know so that I can address the shortcomings.

Regarding restoring keybindings, the way I've done it in the past is to go to Tools|Options|Keyboard, select the other keyboard scheme in the combo box (usually "Standard" is selected, so select "SQL Server 2000"). Then click 'ok' to close the dialog, go back to it, and select back the "Standard" scheme. I'm not completely sure whether a restart of Management Studio was necessary (I can't check it now, as keybinding modifications are transient).

If that doesn't work, please let me know so that I will investigate a more expedient way of fixing it (the default schemes are stored as .vsk files in the application's directory, and I've been able to restore them by manipulating files in the past).

Thanks and best regards,



Re: viEmu/SQL: Restoring keyboard mappings in SQL Management Studio

And, by the way, I already have a much better keyboard-overriding scheme implemented that doesn't need to actually remove keybindings (thus being much less of a hassle). It's already working nicely in ViEmu/Word+Outlook (prototype already working, yay!), and I plan to retrofit it back into a later version of ViEmu for Visual Studio and in ViEmu for SQL Server Mgmt Studio, which will fix all the keybinding problems. Finally!


Re: viEmu/SQL: Restoring keyboard mappings in SQL Management Studio

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, the method you described (setting to SQL Server 2000 then back to Standard) did not restore my key bindings. However, I was able to find a .vsk file containing the correct settings so my issue is resolved.

Looking forward to your next release for VS.NET. Thanks again.


Re: viEmu/SQL: Restoring keyboard mappings in SQL Management Studio

I'm glad the VSK file fixed it. ViEmu 1.x didn't have keybinding management, and it was annoying to remove them by hand (and it would be impossible in SQL Server Mgmt Studio, which doesn't allow the user configuring keybindings). ViEmu 2.0 has automatic keybinding management, but the approach I took (altering VS's own keybindings) is sometimes problematic - VS is not built to allow that easily. Hopefully, the new version with the new management system will remove all annoyances.

Thanks for letting me know,
