Re: Fast file open?

In visual studio you can type ctrl-shift-g to open a filename listed under the cursor from your solution.  A common trick then was to open a search dialog (ctrl-f) type the filename you are looking for and hitting ctrl-shift-g to load it.   This is really handy when your project is large and your .h and .cpp files are spread out across different folders.  Obviously ctrl-f no longer works (no big deal) with viemu, besides that is not the vi way.

I would like to replicate this somehow using the vi command mode.  My thinking would be to make a script that maps say :open <file>  to Edit.OpenFile.  Is there an appropriate Vi command that I should be mapping this to and how do I go about making the script?



Re: Fast file open?

Wow, am I behind the curve.  :e <filename> already works and it appears to use the solution space to map filenames to paths, very slick.   Thanks for solving my problem before I even knew what it was.



Re: Fast file open?

Not to be chatty, but in the future this would be even slicker if it supported tabs (auto complete) and wildcards.  keep up the good work.



Re: Fast file open?

David, thanks for the feedback. I plan to include tab autocompletion in a future release - still some work to do before that, but it will be there.

You can also make Ctrl-F work as before by reassigning the keybinding (let me know if you want to do this, so that I can provide more detailed instructions). Keypresses can also be mapped through ViEmu to Visual Studio commands, by using the :vscmd ex command, although it's not fully flexible as there is no way to pass in arguments.

Thanks and best regards,
