Re: First time post, various feedback
I've purchased and have been using viemu for the past 6-7 months. And I must say, that for the most part it is excellent. In fact, it's the only reason that I can actually use visual studio.
First, a couple of issues that I've noticed.
In 2.0, doing a forward search with / that resulted in a find that was inside of a folded block wouldn't unfold the block and you had to unfold and perform the search again. This was fixed in 2.1, however, various other forms of movement do not have this fix.
Jumping to a line in a folded block using :<linenumber>
marking a line (ma) folding the block, and jumping to the mark ('a)
vim does expand folds for forward searching, but does not unfold for the two methods I listed above. however, the key difference, is that in vim, when I jump to a line, then hit unfold, it remembers what line I was on. viemu will put me on the first line of the unfolded block, forcing me to repeat the jump command.
The second issue I've noticed comes from mapping. If you map a key in command mode (cmap) that key no longer functions properly with the f and t movement commands. In both vim and viemu I have the spacebar mapped to toggle fold (I love this mapping). In vim, commands such as ct<space> or df<space> still work. In viemu they do not.
And the last thing is more of a question rather than an issue.
I've read the previous posts in the forum about vertical split. I have a large widescreen monitor, so I love vertical splitting. I've gotten using to having to use the mouse to create the new vertical tab group. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how to move between the groups with the keyboard.
I know about ctrl-tab. But it's not the same, as it cycles through all available file buffers (and "intelligently.." re-orders the list) forcing me to have to look at the list and possibly press it more than once.
In vim, a simple ctrl-wl or ctrl-wr did exactly what I needed. Is there anyway to do this with viemu or with visual studio options?
Also, thank you again for your excellent product. With the exception of those minor things, using viemu has been nothing but a blessing.