Topic: ViEMU repeat (period) not consistent in VS2015
Not sure if I have a mapping wrong or what the condition is (don't have Visual Assist, so not that particular issue), but I'm not able to get the . repeat to work in all cases. Easy example:
Create a c# file.
Add two code lines and leave off the semicolon:
In normal mode, add a semicolon ('A' add-after followed by ';' ) on the first line.
Drop to the second line and '.' to repeat - jumps to the end of the line as expected, but won't put the ';' at the end.
I can get it to repeat other things:
will give me a second line containing Console.WriteLine();
Adding a colon to the end of the line like in the first example works when repeating. It may just be the semicolon, but haven't tested exhaustively. I know that I can reproduce the problem with the semicolon.