Re: Modes and keymapping
Hi J:
I promised to post some of my thoughts on improving ViEmu (which is already quite wonderful!), and here goes:
I'm quite interested in seeing key remapping working, both map and imap. Specifically, I would like to do something like:
map <Tab> :bn<CR>
map <S-Tab> :bp<CR>
imap <Up> <Esc>lk
imap <Down> <Esc>lj
imap <Right> <Esc>ll
imap <Left> <Esc>
The point of the first two is to quickly cycle through buffers. Better buffer control is something I'm very much looking forward to. I agree with user Tak in a previous post that VS buffer ordering is annoying and unuseful. Why not simply use the ordering visible on screen given by the ordering of the tabs?
The point of the four imap lines above is to return to command mode early and often. This is something I would very much like to see developed further. I would like ViEmu to go to command mode when I click almost anywhere in VS (e.g., reposition the cursor in the buffer, change to another buffer or use some toolbar/other window) or in some other way interrupt my editing. User sticks also commented along these lines.
Something I find quite annoying is that when I'm done doing something in insert mode, Intellisense might have a tooltip open, and when I press escape only the tooltip closes, but ViEmu does not return to command mode, and I end up having lots of command characters in my buffer. I realize this might be difficult to fix, but as a temporary fix I'm considering to have escape emit two escapes when I'm using ViEmu. This has lots and lots of drawbacks, but I don't really know if it's usable before I've tried. Is it even possible/have anybody tried it?
Less pressing matters are: search highlighting (which I also realize is difficult), tab completion when using :e for instance, and command execution using :!
Last edited by Ulrik (2006-05-01 14:38:45)