Re: Backwards range warning

Is it possible to kill this?

Backwards range given, swap?
Yes   No   

I've never seen it in Vim (unless I disabled it a very long time ago) and it seems rather.. random.



Re: Backwards range warning

Ah, actually I just checked more closely in Vim. I'd never typed a range in for a :s before with line numbers.

Specifically, when the range comes from using Visual mode (linewise or not), Vim does not prompt and automatically swaps them. So, would that be possible?



Re: Backwards range warning

Hi Scott,

I checked it myself too - you're right, vim has some special case to detect the case with visual mode. I will add it to ViEmu too - although I'll have to research exactly what is special cased out, as it isn't obvious (the :'<,'> range is just a regular mark-driven range).

I actually implemented the behavior because I saw it in vim while analyzing range behavior in detail for ex commands while first implementing ex support in ViEmu. I was pretty amazed to find it, as I had never stumbled into it while using vim regularly. But I thought I should just try to emulate it faithfully smile




Re: Backwards range warning

Hi, thanks

Yes, it looks like it's special for '<,'> AFAICT. Changing either the beginning or the end to either a line number or a different mark causes the warning to appear. Even changing to '>,'< will cause it to happen.

To be honest, I don't really ever want to see that warning personally, so if emulating this vim special case seems too arbitrary, adding a _viemurc option to just always autoswap would be just as good from my point of view.



Re: Backwards range warning

Thanks Scott for looking into the behavior. I'll most probably take your advice and implement a :set [no]autoswap, default to false, which probably makes the most sense.