Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

Good day

This is quite a minor one -- but just not what I'm expecting from using VIM myself.

In NORMAL mode, when typing a percentage number followed by %, the cursor is moved to that % in the file from the top of the file. This works fine in ViEmu EXCEPT for the case of 100%. In this case, I'm taken to the top of the file, not the end. I use this shortcut a lot to go to the end of a large file to add code. Please could you look into it?



Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?


I've just fixed this, it was indeed wrong. I've also made it *exactly like vim*, vim rounds up and I didn't.

This will be available with the next release, which I will delay a bit because I am loooking into other (Resharper-related) issues, and I don't want to do the release process twice. The R# issues may take a few days.

Meanwhile, you can use the 'G' command to go straight to the last line, which is shorter than 100% smile

Thanks and best regards,

  -- Jon


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

Thanks, I can wait -- it's not critical. But thanks for sorting it out. Perhaps I should unlearn my old habit of "100%" and learn to use "G" instead  (:



Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

I definitely suggest you get used to 'G', this is a command from the original vi that works everywhere. You can prepend a line number to go to that line, ie, '342G' goes to line 342. Many people who come from vi use '1G', instead of 'gg' which is more common among vim users (gg is a vim-specific extension).

Actually, over the years I've found people who go to the top of the file using each of the following methods:

- those who use 1G
- those who use gg
- those who use :1<return>

Now I know there are also different cultures as to how to go to the end of the file!


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

I do use G -- all the time, in fact (: I just didn't know that with no multiplier, it takes you to the end of the file. Sweet. There's always some new trick I can learn with vim. I was talking to some microsofties here and saying something along the lines of this:

Vim has a VERY STEEP initial learning curve, which is followed by a LOT of reward. But it seems that I will never know *everything* about vim -- there's always some little trick I can learn. For instance, I learned from these forums about case-inversion with ~. Again, sweet.  (:


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

You are right. I'm still learning things myself, and I have already even *implemented* a big chunk of it! A great deal of the learning has been from customer requests for features I didn't even know that existed, so I'm actually lucky to have the best teachers!


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

This is finally fixed in 2.2.8, see details here:



Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

Thanks! Will upgrade asap.


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

You're very welcome. Let me know if it-s fine.

  -- Jon


Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?


Works fine. I've logged another request though (to do with the color settings in ViEmu seemingly not being loaded up when VS starts). You must be getting tired of me by now  ):



Re: goto % in file goes to top of file for 100%?

No problem at all! Let me know about all problems that come up. I'll try to fix them as soon as I can.

