Re: 'find previous' fails when using '\zs' and/or '\ze' -- VS2008
Given this C# code:
public interface IThing
IObject { get; set; }
IDooDad { get; set; }
public class AClass : IThing
IObject { get; set; }
IDooDad { get; set; }
public interface IObject
IWidget { get; set; }
// blah blah blah
public interface IDooDad {}
public interface IWidget
string get_description();
IOther { get; set; }
Let's say I want to navigate from interface description to interface description, bypassing other type declarations and member variables, and with the caret at the leading I in the interface name.
/interface \zsI\ze[A-Z]
This works fine for navigating forward, and if I :set hls, all the correct Is are highlighted, but when I attempt to move to the previous match I get no movement. This approach works as expected in Vim.