Re: Command line limitations

I have been using viEmu for a week now and I really like it, but I have found some big limitations in the way in which the Command line is working. First, it has a limited width, and if that width is reached then the command line doesn't scroll, so you cannot continue typing. Second limitation I have found so far is that it's impossible to paste anything in it. I have tried the <Ctrl-R>" recomendation found in the documentation and it doesn't work, and <Ctrl-v> pastes content in the buffer, not in the command line. Any other way to paste something in the command line?

Something else I have seen, related to previous issue, is that <Ctrl-R>x, where x is a buffer name, is not working as expected, either in command line mode or in insert mode.

I'm using version 2.0.37.




Re: Command line limitations

Hello Nando,

I will look into implementing scrolling support, it may be quite doable in a basic fashion.

Regarding Ctrl-R, which seems not to be working either in ex mode or insert mode, is it possible that Ctrl-R is bound to something? It seems like the most likely option. You can check it in Tools|Options|ViEmu->Keyboard, or directly in VS's key assignment dialog Tools|Options|Keyboard. If that's the reason, removing the current bindings would let ViEmu see the keypress.

I will be travelling until Monday, so I won't be able to look into it in detail until next week, but could you detail exactly what happens when you press Ctrl+R?

Other possible affecting factors: VS version, keyboard layout (US, or something else?), language you are working in, and possibly others. Please post them so that I can research it better.

Thanks and best regards,



Re: Command line limitations

Thanks Jon for the quick response! I figured out that the problem with the <C-R> was related to an add-in, as you pointed out: I'm using the v2.04 release of Xtreme Simplicity's C# Refactory, and some of it's bindings are clashing with ViEmu's key bindings. The problems were detected and fixed by ViEmu's Keyboard manager; I thought tough that this needed to be executed just once, but this needs to executed every time I open VS in order to ViEmu to work correctly. Is that the expected behaviour?

Thanks again for a great tool!




Re: Command line limitations

Hi Nando,

Different packages and addins work differently. In Visual Studio, though, it's not good behavior to restore the bindings automatically every time - not because of ViEmu, but because that way the add-in is removing control from the user to reconfigure the prefered keybindings.

I'm pretty weary of adding behavior in ViEmu to remove clashing keybindings every time, but I would do it if it's the only way to get ViEmu working fine with C# Refactory until the Xtreme Simplicity people get it right. Please let me know if you don't find any other solution, so that I can consider a "check & remove every time" setting to ViEmu.

Best regards and thanks for the kind comments,
