Re: Feature request: really fold everything with zM
I'm terribly frustrated by the fact that there is no way in VS with or without ViEmu to fold all of the classes in a c# file. Typically, I have only one class per file, but when I write tests, this is not the case:
namespace blahblahblah
public abstract class concern { ... }
public class When_calculating_average : concern { ... }
public class When_the_square_root_is_an_integer : concern { ... }
When I have 10 classes in the file, I have to fold each one manually, because zM only folds the blocks within each class, rather than everything in the file. Ideally, zM would fold it all up, except the outermost fold that contains folds (so the using directives would get folded, but the namespace declaration would not).
Also, it would be nice if zo and zc were not the same (both toggling); rather that zo had no effect when the closest fold is already open and zc had not effect when it is already closed.
Thank you!