Re: Minor Visual Mode Behavoir Bug?
I absolutely am in love with this product, great job guys!
One thing I have noticed is the that visual selection seems to not automatically select the letter under the cursor when going into it. This is generally not an issue when going to the right (it is one extra keypress but not crushing), but when going to the left, it means the selection starts to the LEFT of your current letter.
Consider the string "Hello World", and I have the cursor on the W ("Hello [W]orld").
In Vim, in normal mode, hitting "vlll" leads to "Worl" being highlighted.
In Vim, in normal mode, hitting "vhhh" leads to "lo W" being highlighted.
In ViEmu, in normal mode, hitting "vlll" leads to "Wor" being highlighted, which is one short, but not a big dead, hit l one more time and I am good.
But, the real problem is, in ViEmu, in normal mode, hitting "vhhh" leads to "lo " being selected, missing the W... and there is no really easy way to go back and get the W I expected.
It seems just tweaking the entry to visual mode to select the current char under the cursor in visual mode would fix this issue (all of them). Keep up the great work.