Re: "." problems

Hi there,

I've noticed that the behavior of the "." operator in viEmu for VC++ differs significantly from that of both vi and vim, sometimes in ways that seem clearly buggy.  In particular, I find that "."ing O and A edits don't seem to add any of the text I've written.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Is there a workaround?


Re: "." problems

Hi Dave,

I think this must be an interaction with some other 3rd party add-in, as it should be working fine. I use it all day long with C++ and it works fine. Can you detail what VS version, language you are working in, ViEmu version, and possible 3rd party add-ins you are using?




Re: "." problems

Thanks for the prompt response.  I was indeed running another add-in: Visual Assist.  Removing it fixed the problem behavior.  Pity!  Visual Assist and ViEmu work together beautifully in every other respect, and Visual Assist is hard to give up once you get used to its features.


Re: "." problems

Hi Dave,

Other users are using ViEmu with Visual Assist without running into those problems. I would really like to solve the issue. Can you let me know what version of ViEmu and Visual Assist you are using? The ViEmu version can be seen in Tools|Options|ViEmu, and I think the VAX version can be had in their settings dialog too, or in the About box.

Please also let me know what VS version you are using.

Also, finally, can you check the keybindings of the "Edit.BreakLine" command in Tools|Options|Environment|Keyboard? This could also be of help in trying to track it down.




Re: "." problems

I reinstalled Visual Assist to collect the information you've asked for, and now it works!  Perhaps the problem is with a setting that I changed post install.  I'll keep careful track of things and update this thread if any new information comes up.  In the meantime:

VS: Visual Studio .NET 2003 SP1, edit.breakline is unset
ViEmu: 2.0.37
Visual Assist: 10.3.1544.0 built 2007.01.10


Re: "." problems

Thanks a lot, I´m glad it works! Please let me know if something else fails. ViEmu 2.0.37 is pretty old, there have been a lot of fixes. I'm about to upload and announce 2.0.59, but meanwhile you can download 2.0.53 from here:


Even if it's not related to the problem you mention, I really encourage you to upgrade to at least 2.0.53.

I plan to prepare and release 2.1 very shortly, as preparing ViEmu/Word&Outlook has prevented me from a proper official release in the past few months, and the amount of issues fixed and features added since 2.0 is very large.