Re: Search text followed by enter puts a line break in text


I have a strange error that seems to have just popped up out of nowhere. I am using Viemu 2.5.13 for VS2010. I also have resharper 5.1.11753.4 and GhostDoc 2.5.09166 installed on my machine.

It was all working fine until just now. I don't remember changing anything significant. But recently the insert mode of Viemu seems to be broken. In the .cs files, when I press any command such as "/public<enter>" it incremental moves to the text but then puts a linebreak as soon as I press enter.

This doesn't seem to happen in the xml files though.

Strange. I remember seeing this once before in Viemu sql, but don't remember what the fix was.


Re: Search text followed by enter puts a line break in text

Add on ...

Noticed another strange thing. when I do ":w<enter>" in normal text it works fine. But when I run the same command in the autodoc comments, it again puts a new line.

For example,

1.        /// <summary>
2.        /// Gets or sets the name of the user.
3.        /// </summary>
4.        [DataMember(Name = "username", IsRequired = true, Order = 1)]

If I press ":w<enter>" on line 4, it works fine, as expected. But in line 1,2,3 it adds a linebreak in text.


Re: Search text followed by enter puts a line break in text

Do you have ReSharper installed?   This is a known R# issue, and JetBrains doesn't seem at all interested in fixing it. 
It is particularly annoying when you are searching ('/' or '?') and a match is found in a line comment.  <Enter> opens a new line w/o ending the search; you have to hit <Esc> to end the search, which returns you to where you started and you can't go to next match...